...where the music is like water rushing through you ... your function is really like that of a hose
Face Melting Children: Sungha Jung
No Woman No Cry. Please, I would tear this kid to shreds. Put down the guitar and go play with some barbie dolls kid, you've got no shot.
Face Melting Children: Derek Trucks
He really sucks. I could have done way better at 13. Just saying.
Face Melting Children
The Life and Times of Ray Anastasio
Click on the images for full screen...
I think one of the artists took his prints down, so the "Ray Tesh" and the "16th Fret Langeurock" links wont work.

Hot off the presses! Ray w/ Will Ferrell on drums - $875 USD

NEW POST - "Wilsonstache" $1,750 USD

#1 - "Orgasm Ray" $175,000 USD

#2 - "Touch of Ray" $18,000 USD

#3 - "Ray for Dinner" $1,500,000 CDN

#4 - "Raytard" $87,000 USD

#5 - "Ray with Ed Pacino and Ike Gordon" $50,000 USD

#7 - "Punch You in the Nuts" $ 75,000 USD

#8 - "Ray in Wonderland" $ 3,000,000 USD

#9 - "Ray Marker" $ 6 USD

#10 - "Blind Ray" $ 5,000,000 USD
(personal favorite!)

#11 - "Ray Anastasio: Live at the Rodeo" $ 15 USD

#12 - "Four Finger Discount: Limited Edition 'Hosed' Print" $ 5,000 USD

#13 - "Ray are you Trey?" $ 10,000,000,000 USD

#14 - "Big Red, Little Head" $ 8,000 USD

#15 - "Ray: Very Bright Lights to my Left" $ 95,000 USD

#16 - "Geigh Ray" $ 50,000 USD

#17 - "Ray Features" $ 45 USD

#18 - "Ray the Cartoonist" $ 1 USD

#19 - "When I'm Tired, I Ray on the Ground" $25,000 USD

#20 - "Ray's 16 Fret Languerock Guitar" $67,000 USD

#21 - "Rayozhart" $3,000,000 USD

#22 - "Raytrippin420's Jambase Profile Pic" $ Free

#23 - "Really Windy Ray & Friends" $ 50,000

#24 - "Post Modern Ray" $ 200,000,000 USD

#25 - "Oxy Ray" $ 8 USD

#26 - "Limited Edition: Barbra Walters Interview Print" $ 500,000 USD

#27 - "Rayosaur" $1,000,000 USD

#28 - "Raydon, Raydon Go Boom" $30,000 USD

#29 - "Ray Tesh" $45,000 USD

#30 - "Raynimation" $700,000 USD

#31 - "Untitled'd" $10,000,000 USD

#32 - "Ray Blazer!" $ 180 USD (for real, this is on sale on ebay)
There you have it...an inside look at the life and times of rock legend Trey Anastasio's brother Ray Anastasio...
I think one of the artists took his prints down, so the "Ray Tesh" and the "16th Fret Langeurock" links wont work.

Hot off the presses! Ray w/ Will Ferrell on drums - $875 USD

NEW POST - "Wilsonstache" $1,750 USD
#1 - "Orgasm Ray" $175,000 USD
#2 - "Touch of Ray" $18,000 USD
#3 - "Ray for Dinner" $1,500,000 CDN
#4 - "Raytard" $87,000 USD
#5 - "Ray with Ed Pacino and Ike Gordon" $50,000 USD
#7 - "Punch You in the Nuts" $ 75,000 USD
#8 - "Ray in Wonderland" $ 3,000,000 USD
#9 - "Ray Marker" $ 6 USD
#10 - "Blind Ray" $ 5,000,000 USD
(personal favorite!)
#11 - "Ray Anastasio: Live at the Rodeo" $ 15 USD
#12 - "Four Finger Discount: Limited Edition 'Hosed' Print" $ 5,000 USD
#13 - "Ray are you Trey?" $ 10,000,000,000 USD
#14 - "Big Red, Little Head" $ 8,000 USD
#15 - "Ray: Very Bright Lights to my Left" $ 95,000 USD
#16 - "Geigh Ray" $ 50,000 USD
#17 - "Ray Features" $ 45 USD
#18 - "Ray the Cartoonist" $ 1 USD
#19 - "When I'm Tired, I Ray on the Ground" $25,000 USD
#20 - "Ray's 16 Fret Languerock Guitar" $67,000 USD
#21 - "Rayozhart" $3,000,000 USD
#22 - "Raytrippin420's Jambase Profile Pic" $ Free
#23 - "Really Windy Ray & Friends" $ 50,000
#24 - "Post Modern Ray" $ 200,000,000 USD
#25 - "Oxy Ray" $ 8 USD
#26 - "Limited Edition: Barbra Walters Interview Print" $ 500,000 USD
#27 - "Rayosaur" $1,000,000 USD
#28 - "Raydon, Raydon Go Boom" $30,000 USD
#29 - "Ray Tesh" $45,000 USD
#30 - "Raynimation" $700,000 USD
#31 - "Untitled'd" $10,000,000 USD
#32 - "Ray Blazer!" $ 180 USD (for real, this is on sale on ebay)
There you have it...an inside look at the life and times of rock legend Trey Anastasio's brother Ray Anastasio...
Ekoostik Hookah Wo0k Handbook
Oldfields, Columbus, OH.
A rare species these days, the Ohio Ekoostik Hookah Wo0k (Cedus Wo0kus Amongus)can be found bumming menthol cigarettes at gas stations in the Stubenville, Ohio geographic region.

Spring Hookaville 2007
Ohio Ekoostik Hookah Wo0k Colloquial:
"Fuckin' Sweeney, man" - this is NOT a sexual request or advance. The phrase is a native eastern Ohio Wo0k call emphasizing admiration for the bands guitarist, Steve Sweeney.
"Fuckin' Katz, man" also sounds like an erotic advance in reference to having sex with kittens, but it is just a reference to the bands piano player, Dave Katz.
"Ledges brah" - reference to the site of many epic Ekoostik Hookah shows at Nelson Ledges Quarry Park. Also used in conjunction with the phrase, "Allegedly" as a combined word, "A - Ledges - Ly - Brah" to cast doubt on the epicness of said Hookah show at the NLQP.

The Ekoostik Hookah Wo0k may become enraged if you laugh at his insistence that Steve Sweeney was 2nd in line for the Allman Brothers guitarist opening. Also, it is important to remember the strong ties between Hookah fans and the Grateful Dead. When some of you jumped on face melting Phish Tour in 1995 after Jerry's death, others laughed and went straight for Hookah Tour (classified as dive bars and fields in Illinois, West Virginia, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Kentucky and Indiana). "Phish Destroys America Tour" in 1997 pales in comparison to what Hookah was throwing down on a semi-monthly basis during their "Midwest Mojito's and Munchies" Tour.
The Ekoostik Hookah Wo0ks order of face melting rock guitarist allegiances is as follows: (1) Jerry Garcia, (2) Steve Sweeney, and (3)Gregg Allman.
Notable Wo0k hangouts include: Nelson Ledges Quarry Park, Hookahville, his Mom's house and Stubenville gas stations.
Ekoostik Hookah Wo0k's are commonly spotted by way of patchwork pants with little backward e's on them with mushroom prints on the side. If Wo0k identification is still uncertain, offer him or her a "purple dinosaur" and if they show interest in the proposal, Ekoostik Hookah Wo0k status is confirmed'd.
Get yourself some coffee brah!
me too...
Ekoostik Hookah,
Blossom Music Center: Cuyahoga National Park

The Trek 550 rocking my favorite Patagonia Sticker

Toe Path Bike Trail. The old Erie Canal Lock system turned National Scenic Trail.

Blossom Music Center sits on the other side of that hill. Above 700 ft up from the river.

The Lot. Overlooks a vineyard and art gallery across the way. BTB Fest Drop Point?!?!

The sign at the entrance.
This was the 1st nice weekend of spring about a month ago. All of these pics were taken within 2 miles of the venue. The Cuyahoga River (now surprisingly clean)runs through the National Park; Blossom is located on a hill / plateau at the top of the river basin.
Blossom Music Center,
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